Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Michelle Wasted: Almost New Year's Eve Edition

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: I told you torrentz were wonderful
ChancefortheMoon: You should download the rest of Dexter overnight
ChancefortheMoon: Keep uTorrents open though
FreshSupplies: That would take longer than over night, and I don't think I have the room anyways.
FreshSupplies: I'll have to download a couple of episodes at a time and delete as I go.
ChancefortheMoon: i own season 1
FreshSupplies: That would be wonderfully helpful if we lived in the same region.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
ChancefortheMoon: move to ew York already
FreshSupplies: o.O
FreshSupplies: How would that help anything?
ChancefortheMoon: It would
ChancefortheMoon: Because I could tke the bu to ee you
ChancefortheMoon: sorry I found ome wine
ChancefortheMoon: some
FreshSupplies: Wow, that was a rapid deterioration of basic motor skills.
FreshSupplies: I don't know if I should be impressed or call an ambulance.

--------------------Two Minutes Later--------------------------------

FreshSupplies: Hey, we broke our 11 post ceiling!!
ChancefortheMoon: YES!!!!
FreshSupplies: =D
ChancefortheMoon: there should be a special post just to note that
FreshSupplies: You mean like I copied this bot of convo and made it a new post?
FreshSupplies: bit*
FreshSupplies: if I*
FreshSupplies: God, speaking of deteriorating motor skills.

Oh Fuck It, She's My Harley

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: Tim Burton: Plot driven or character driven?
FreshSupplies: Oh dear god, what a question.
FreshSupplies: My first instinct is to say character.
ChancefortheMoon: Aren't I good?
ChancefortheMoon: We'll have fun with this one I think.
ChancefortheMoon: We can go through each movie and discuss. Muahahha.
FreshSupplies: Oooo
FreshSupplies: Yesm.
ChancefortheMoon: Chronologically
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: I was just about to type "From th beginning."
ChancefortheMoon: I WIN!
FreshSupplies: But I froze because I forgot what the first movie was.
ChancefortheMoon: the magic of IMDB
FreshSupplies: We're gonna make Nightmare count even though he didn't direct it.
ChancefortheMoon: Should we go by movies he wrote or directed?
ChancefortheMoon: ...
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: STOP IT
FreshSupplies: GOD DAMNIT
ChancefortheMoon: YOU STOP IT

She's Either My Robin or My Joker.

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I think you should do a test run of the torrents first
ChancefortheMoon: to see if you still like it
ChancefortheMoon: Because the stuff for the Rosetta Stone is a bit more advanced.
ChancefortheMoon: and I have to go soon
FreshSupplies: I'll download Dexter.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: YOU FUCKING WHORE
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT THE FUCK
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK!?!?!?
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: /end life

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Admit Defeat

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

FreshSupplies: Okay, sending the new [pages].
ChancefortheMoon: woo
ChancefortheMoon: I need something entertaining
ChancefortheMoon: Good thing the TV is on
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Michelle - 1. Brittany - 0.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Long But Brilliant (Yes I'm Aware of How Sexual That Sounds)

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\book vamp Humanesque.doc.
ChancefortheMoon received C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\book vamp Humanesque.doc.
ChancefortheMoon: Same method for editing?
ChancefortheMoon: Wait I'm not reading it now
ChancefortheMoon: and you're going to write more
ChancefortheMoon: So why do I need this?
ChancefortheMoon: It makes no sense.
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Stop making points.
ChancefortheMoon: HAH
FreshSupplies: I'm excited. SUE ME.
ChancefortheMoon: Fine I will
ChancefortheMoon: My sister got accepted to Harvard Law
ChancefortheMoon: so hah
FreshSupplies: My brother went to Princeton. So ha.
FreshSupplies: He was offered every Ivy league university under the sun.
FreshSupplies: So =P
ChancefortheMoon: So is my sister
ChancefortheMoon: So =P
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: WHY ARE WE THE SAME PERSON!?
FreshSupplies: You weren't copying me?
FreshSupplies: You did that on your own?
ChancefortheMoon: whore
FreshSupplies: On second thought, maybe you shouldn't come visit me.
FreshSupplies: The world couldn't handle it.
ChancefortheMoon: hah
FreshSupplies: Oh and for future reference: Yeah the same method for editing, only you can send it with the same title and I'll just delete your comments as I go through it.
FreshSupplies: Without paying attention to them.
FreshSupplies: At all.
ChancefortheMoon: yeah right that's why you loved my toasting suggestion
FreshSupplies: Hey, what did I say about making points?
ChancefortheMoon: and used it
ChancefortheMoon: Oh my god funniest thing happened today
FreshSupplies: o.O
FreshSupplies: And which personality is this?
ChancefortheMoon: Cassandra
FreshSupplies: Oh yay, I like her.
FreshSupplies: Much better than Michelle.
ChancefortheMoon: So my mom and I go to the post office to mail my visa forms and there's some asshole who decided to park in two lanes. So I'm sitting in the car and bitching about how rude this guy is and who the hell does he think he is.
ChancefortheMoon: I get out of the car and I look to see what kind of car it is
ChancefortheMoon: And it's a fucking maserati
FreshSupplies: HAHAHA
FreshSupplies: Wait, that's not funny.
ChancefortheMoon: It's coming
FreshSupplies: I love it when you quote your clients.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I hate you
FreshSupplies: That was too easy.
FreshSupplies: Much like you.
ChancefortheMoon: So I get out and I tell m mom "Oh it's a Maserati! He probably has a small dick"
ChancefortheMoon: And the door to the post office was slightly open and the guy who owned the car was RIGHT THERE
ChancefortheMoon: And he DEFINITELY heard me because I was loud
ChancefortheMoon: He gave me a kind of sad and mean look, got into his car and sped off.
ChancefortheMoon: Because it is so much worse when a pretty girl accuses you of having a small dick
FreshSupplies: So I guess it wasn't that bad then.
ChancefortheMoon: I thought it was hilarious
ChancefortheMoon: and har you're so fucking clever aren't you
FreshSupplies: =D

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Michelle Wasted: Christmas Eve Edition

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon returned at 9:35:41 PM.
FreshSupplies: Having a good Christmas Eve?
ChancefortheMoon: DRUNK!!
ChancefortheMoon: wooo!!!!!!!!
FreshSupplies: I'll take that as a yes.
ChancefortheMoon: Dear lord I am so fucking drunk
FreshSupplies: Haha
ChancefortheMoon: I can't even fathom it
ChancefortheMoon: Dear lord am so fucking drunk
ChancefortheMoon: This isn't musing
ChancefortheMoon: I'm really srunk
ChancefortheMoon: Drunk
ChancefortheMoon: gah
FreshSupplies: I'm just gonna sit back and watch.
ChancefortheMoon: The Irish guy called me to wish me a Happy Christmas
ChancefortheMoon: PLEASE DO!!!!!!
ChancefortheMoon: IT WILL BE AMUSING FOR YOU!!!
ChancefortheMoon: I'm watching Love Actually
ChancefortheMoon: And it's so foreign to me
FreshSupplies: The movie?
ChancefortheMoon: even though I've watched it 3 bullion times
ChancefortheMoon: billion
ChancefortheMoon: I don't feel pain rigfht now
ChancefortheMoon: Wow
ChancefortheMoon: Too drunk
FreshSupplies: How is it foreign to you?
ChancefortheMoon: I dunno
ChancefortheMoon: I'm drunk
ChancefortheMoon: leave me alone I'm drunk
ChancefortheMoon: actually don't leave me
ChancefortheMoon: i like the attention
ChancefortheMoon: GIVE ME ATTENTION

Monday, December 15, 2008

Freakishly Accurate

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/funny-dog-pictures-cat-misses-his-dignity.jpg
ChancefortheMoon: This is how I feel about you.
FreshSupplies: Hahaha, how is that how you feel about me?
ChancefortheMoon: You're like a dumb bitch sitting on my head.
ChancefortheMoon: Can't move you, can't get rid of you, so I have to sit there and listen to you talk out your ass.
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Point taken.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Because Michelle's Drunken Impulses Asked with Succinct Politeness

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: AAAAH!!!
FreshSupplies: DAILY SHOW
ChancefortheMoon: WOO!
FreshSupplies: SO GOOD
FreshSupplies: YAY
ChancefortheMoon: I'M DRUNK
ChancefortheMoon: WOOOOOOO
ChancefortheMoon: woo~!!
ChancefortheMoon: blog?
FreshSupplies: Haha, sure.
ChancefortheMoon: Because Michelle's Drunken Impulses Demand It
ChancefortheMoon: There's the title
FreshSupplies: But you didn't demand it.
FreshSupplies: You asked with succinct politeness.
ChancefortheMoon: ....
ChancefortheMoon: Because Michelle's Drunken Impulses Asked with Succinct Politeness?
FreshSupplies: HA
FreshSupplies: Yes.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

If It Weren't For Those Meddling Kids

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: Sweeney got nominated for a Grammy
FreshSupplies: ...how?
ChancefortheMoon: Best soundtrack
ChancefortheMoon: something like that
FreshSupplies: The music was written in like the 70s though.
ChancefortheMoon: I guess best movie soundtrack
FreshSupplies: And it came out last year.
FreshSupplies: o.O
ChancefortheMoon: I DON'T KNOW!
FreshSupplies: WELL YOU SHOULD
FreshSupplies: SOMEHOW
FreshSupplies: DAMNIT!
ChancefortheMoon: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408236/board/flat/124377954
ChancefortheMoon: Here
FreshSupplies: "If we lose to Mamma Mia!, I will consider killing myself."
FreshSupplies: Hhahahah
ChancefortheMoon: hehehe
FreshSupplies: I agree.
FreshSupplies: Sondheim losing to ABBA is the sure sign of the Apocalypse.
ChancefortheMoon: That and if Juno wins
FreshSupplies: That too.
ChancefortheMoon: I don't know how Mamma Mia could win when it's up against Sweeney Todd
ChancefortheMoon: I mean...Sweeney is the most celebrated musical of the 20th century
FreshSupplies: I don't see how Mamma Mia was created without someone popping their head in and going, "....REALLY?"
ChancefortheMoon: haha
FreshSupplies: That's what I think every time I hear about it.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
ChancefortheMoon: Seriously...ABBA?!
ChancefortheMoon: Why?
FreshSupplies: Gay men.
FreshSupplies: Mystery solved.
FreshSupplies: Next.

There's Just No Goddamn Escape

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: The one thing I can't imagine in a realistic Poison Ivy is her clothing.
FreshSupplies: But then I'm useless when it comes to clothing.
ChancefortheMoon: hmm
ChancefortheMoon: Let me think about it...
ChancefortheMoon: hmm
ChancefortheMoon: green leggings
ChancefortheMoon: green tubetop with sheer middriff with an ivy design
ChancefortheMoon: Although to be honest I see her tattooed
FreshSupplies: ..
FreshSupplies: Dude
FreshSupplies: Bitch
FreshSupplies: Whore
FreshSupplies: Slutface
ChancefortheMoon: What?
FreshSupplies: I had already typed about how I see her having a hardcore tattoo like the one Angie has.
FreshSupplies: But I decided to delete it at the last second.
ChancefortheMoon: hahahahahahahahaha
FreshSupplies: And once I did, you hit enter.
FreshSupplies: I hate you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm a Bitch Even When I'm Dead Tired

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: Oooo, pretty.
ChancefortheMoon: what's pretty?
FreshSupplies: Anything that doesn't look like you.
ChancefortheMoon: har

I'm Tired So This Title Isn't Funny

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: I'll be on from about 3:30-5:00 tomorrow.
FreshSupplies: My time.
ChancefortheMoon: I won't
FreshSupplies: To read your stuff etc.
FreshSupplies: Well FINE.
ChancefortheMoon: I'm busy!
FreshSupplies: JUST SAY IT
FreshSupplies: ..wait.
ChancefortheMoon: ::sigh::
ChancefortheMoon: I'm too tired for this
ChancefortheMoon: I'm going to bed
ChancefortheMoon: you can take the sofa
FreshSupplies: ...it's more comfy anyway...
ChancefortheMoon: uh huh sure
ChancefortheMoon: have fun sleeping alone!
FreshSupplies: It is!
FreshSupplies: I will!
FreshSupplies: At least I'll get some action this way!
FreshSupplies: Ugh, now I have to go to the blog before I sleep.
FreshSupplies: I hate you.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Flip That, Reverse It

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: NAIL
FreshSupplies: HIM
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: That came out wrong.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Bit of a Tangent

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

FreshSupplies: I NEED A TITLE [for my Labyrinth vid]
ChancefortheMoon: Something Perfect?
ChancefortheMoon: I'll Be There?
FreshSupplies: Ever Present
ChancefortheMoon: Eh
FreshSupplies: Or is that Ever-Present?
ChancefortheMoon: Omnipresent haha
FreshSupplies: And how the hell do you spell hyphin?
ChancefortheMoon: One word!
FreshSupplies: Omnipresent would work but I'm not a big fan of how the word sounds.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
FreshSupplies: Fantasy Love
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: HAHAHAH
FreshSupplies: Ahhh...well I made myself laugh and that's all that matters.
ChancefortheMoon: Noooo
FreshSupplies: King & Queen
ChancefortheMoon: No
ChancefortheMoon: Royal Paradie
ChancefortheMoon: Paradise in the Stars
ChancefortheMoon: Stary Night
ChancefortheMoon: Love in the Stars
FreshSupplies: Hey Baby Look At These Pants
ChancefortheMoon: I'll Write Our Love
ChancefortheMoon: Hey Look at My Bulge
FreshSupplies: Quite Big, Isn't it?
ChancefortheMoon: Would You Like to See It?
FreshSupplies: I Think You Can Handle It
ChancefortheMoon: You Do Look Like You've Been Around the Block
FreshSupplies: By Block I Mean Whore House
ChancefortheMoon: By Whore House I Mean the Back Room
FreshSupplies: By the Back Room I Mean My Ass
ChancefortheMoon: By My Ass I Mean- HEY STOP RUNNING
ChancefortheMoon: You Know What? Just Go! I Was Going to Give You the Greatest Pleasure You Will Ever Know! But Now I Don't Want You!
FreshSupplies: I'll Just Dance With Someone Else! See That Chick Whisper Something to Me in the Ballroom? It was a TOTAL Proposition! I Don't Need You!
FreshSupplies: Ahem.
FreshSupplies: So titles.

Monday, November 10, 2008

-Insert A Witty Title Here Because I've Got Nothin'-

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: You know
ChancefortheMoon: I'm really upset that Terence Howard isn't coming back for Iron Man 2
ChancefortheMoon: But I'm happy with Don Cheadle
FreshSupplies: I am of the same opinion.
FreshSupplies: Posted, by the way.
ChancefortheMoon: danke
FreshSupplies: I dig the title.
ChancefortheMoon: better have a good title
FreshSupplies: HA
ChancefortheMoon: I was brilliant
ChancefortheMoon: I TYPE FASTER THAN YOU!!!
FreshSupplies: NOT THAT TIME
FreshSupplies: Wench.
ChancefortheMoon: um
ChancefortheMoon: yeah I did
ChancefortheMoon: oh no wait
ChancefortheMoon: We sent it at the exact same time
ChancefortheMoon: Check the time stamp
ChancefortheMoon: ChancefortheMoon (9:51:21 PM): better have a good title
FreshSupplies (9:51:21 PM): I dig the title.
FreshSupplies: Ugh, our cosmic-freaky-twin abilities can be so inconvenient.

My Kryptonite

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

FreshSupplies: Okay, you know the rule we have about discussing comedies?
FreshSupplies: I put that into effect for Spiderman 2.
ChancefortheMoon: IT ISN'T A COMEDY!!
ChancefortheMoon: It's an action movie!
ChancefortheMoon: Disregard any and all attempt at humor
ChancefortheMoon: It really isn't that funny
ChancefortheMoon: Your face on the other hand
ChancefortheMoon: That is funny
ChancefortheMoon: HILARIOUS even
FreshSupplies: I know Spidey 2 is not funny, but I'd like to have the same rule about it that we have about comedies.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: but
FreshSupplies: My face is nothing compared to your vagina.
FreshSupplies: Now that's a laugh riot.
ChancefortheMoon: comic book movie
ChancefortheMoon: It's ok not enough people see my vagina to laugh about it.
ChancefortheMoon: More people should see it
FreshSupplies: What have I told you about lying?
FreshSupplies: Especially about your whorish past.
ChancefortheMoon: What if I sent you a picture of my vagina randomly
ChancefortheMoon: what would you do?
FreshSupplies: Uh...good question, actually.
FreshSupplies: I don't know.
FreshSupplies: My mind would literally go blank.
ChancefortheMoon: bahahaha
ChancefortheMoon: I know how to kill you now
FreshSupplies: Mental note: Never accept a file transfer from Michelle again.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Worth It

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon received C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\book Viable Buried story.doc.
ChancefortheMoon: right*
ChancefortheMoon: here we go
ChancefortheMoon: George Forman has like 3 billion kids
ChancefortheMoon: Exactly that number.
FreshSupplies: You got that from the beginning of Buried? Damn, I AM talented.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I'm still writing
FreshSupplies: And you're writing about George Forman's kids?
ChancefortheMoon: I hate you so much
FreshSupplies: ::Huggles::
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I hte you more
ChancefortheMoon: hate too
FreshSupplies: ::Hands cookie::
ChancefortheMoon: ok I'm going to keep writing
FreshSupplies: About George Forman? Odd topic, but okay.
ChancefortheMoon wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
ChancefortheMoon: connect
FreshSupplies: What the french, toast?
ChancefortheMoon wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
FreshSupplies received C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
FreshSupplies: Don't start reading Buried.
ChancefortheMoon: I won't
FreshSupplies: I'm gonna send it to you again with a few changes.
ChancefortheMoon: ok
ChancefortheMoon: Why don't you just send me your finished writing of the day?
FreshSupplies: 'Cause I'm making changes to what I have now before I move on.
FreshSupplies: I write a scene, read over it, make changes, write another scene, read both scenes, make changes, move on.
FreshSupplies: That's sort of how I work.
FreshSupplies: And I want to start getting feedback now.
FreshSupplies: <---Feedback whore.
ChancefortheMoon: oooh
ChancefortheMoon: ok
ChancefortheMoon: Well I am too so no worries
ChancefortheMoon: Just tell me when to read it
ChancefortheMoon: I wrote 3 more pages
ChancefortheMoon: woo
FreshSupplies: Woo.
ChancefortheMoon: read it yet?
ChancefortheMoon: I like the chunk by chunk analysis better
FreshSupplies: Let me snag something to munch on while I read.
ChancefortheMoon: ok
FreshSupplies: I'm excited, once I'm done reading over the stuff I already have, I can start writing the scene when the things really start to develop.
ChancefortheMoon: I've already hit the crisis point
FreshSupplies: And I mean in a very 'beginning development' way.
FreshSupplies: mean that*
ChancefortheMoon: yeah
FreshSupplies: Oooo, crisis points.
ChancefortheMoon: You know what that is right?
ChancefortheMoon: In script analysis?
FreshSupplies: The script analysis class I took wasnt very typical...so no.
FreshSupplies: Wait, send it to me again.
FreshSupplies: It's being weird.
ChancefortheMoon: ok
ChancefortheMoon wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
ChancefortheMoon wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
FreshSupplies received C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
FreshSupplies: It's asking me about File Conversion?
FreshSupplies: o.O
ChancefortheMoon: eh?
FreshSupplies: That's what I said.
ChancefortheMoon: Lemme try something
ChancefortheMoon wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
FreshSupplies received C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\download\freshsupplies\screenplay.doc.
ChancefortheMoon: got it?
FreshSupplies: Yesm.
ChancefortheMoon: yay!
ChancefortheMoon: I kind of want to go on a vision quest
FreshSupplies: With George Forman's three billion kids?
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I HATE YOU SO MUCH
FreshSupplies: Baaahahahahaaaa
FreshSupplies: Oh you know that was funny.
FreshSupplies: You laughed, don't lie.
ChancefortheMoon: ....
ChancefortheMoon: See my previous statement

Monday, November 3, 2008

I Really Should Figure Out How To Use Less Words

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: One of these days I'll write out the full analyzation [of Sweeney Todd].
FreshSupplies: If I did it for Labyrinth, I should do it for Sweeney.
FreshSupplies: The Fountain, too.
FreshSupplies: Oh, and Fur.
ChancefortheMoon: hah
FreshSupplies: Moulin Rouge needs no analyzation.
FreshSupplies: And off the top of my head, neither does American Beauty really.
FreshSupplies: Well...maybe.
FreshSupplies: And I mention those movies because they're what make up my Top Five.
ChancefortheMoon: I touched Kevin Spacey
FreshSupplies: Fucketh. Thou.
ChancefortheMoon: I still touched him
ChancefortheMoon: For a long time
FreshSupplies: Lalalalala
FreshSupplies: Can't hear youuuuuuu
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Wait.
FreshSupplies: 'CAUSE I WILL
ChancefortheMoon: NO YOU WON'T
ChancefortheMoon: YOU NEED ME
FreshSupplies: GOD
FreshSupplies: DAMN
FreshSupplies: YOU
ChancefortheMoon: HAH

Saturday, November 1, 2008

You and Your Wicked, Speedy-Typing Ways

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: You've heard Lost by Coldplay, right?
FreshSupplies: Nope.
FreshSupplies: You've heard Human by The Killers, right?
ChancefortheMoon: No
ChancefortheMoon: You have to listen to m song
ChancefortheMoon: I'll listen to yours
FreshSupplies: I'll look up Lost if you look up
FreshSupplies: Bitch stop typing faster than me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Donations for the Michelle Fund are Both Accepted and Appreciated

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: Mmmmm Fable goodness.
ChancefortheMoon: hehe
FreshSupplies: If you liked the first one, you'll like this one.
ChancefortheMoon: HOW IS IT?!
ChancefortheMoon: IS IT BEAUTIFUL?!
FreshSupplies: Gorgeous.
ChancefortheMoon: Does it start off the same way?
FreshSupplies: In a pretty vague way, yes.
FreshSupplies: It's just the hero having something bad happen to him as a child.
FreshSupplies: I chose a guy for my first play through.
FreshSupplies: The Will powers are basically the same, but I never used those much anyway.
FreshSupplies: I love my dog. =D
ChancefortheMoon: I'M GOING TO BE A GIRL
FreshSupplies: I know you are, sweetie. You just keep saving up and one day your dream will come true. =D
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: STOP BEING CLEVER
FreshSupplies: NO

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: So there is this Freshman theatre student who bought me at the Junior/ Senior auction.
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: And how long have you been participating in human trafficking?
ChancefortheMoon: hahahahahaha
ChancefortheMoon: She's a really sweet girl and we hit it off at the Wiffle Ball game that was the WElcome Back SOT thing
ChancefortheMoon: She's Vegan and she's in my old dorm room and has the same side that I had
FreshSupplies: Fate.
ChancefortheMoon: Seriously though
FreshSupplies: Sexy, no-dairy fate.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Didn't See The 'But'

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I find it so weird that he's so dead certain that we're going to sleep together someday though
FreshSupplies: He just wants it that badly is all.
ChancefortheMoon: What?
That he just really wants to sleep with me?
ChancefortheMoon: ugh we should have gotten that out of the way years ago
ChancefortheMoon: but then he would have been my first and I would always have regretted it
FreshSupplies: Yeah...that's...a much better option...
FreshSupplies: What were you thinking?
ChancefortheMoon: huh?
FreshSupplies: Sarcasm.
ChancefortheMoon: Not a very good job of it
FreshSupplies: Bitch I'm offering pearls of wisdom AND making an amazing video, you can't expect the humor to be spot on too.

How Ruthlessly Absurd

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I've already decided that he and I are Charlize Theron and Will Smith's characters in Hancock
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: .....
ChancefortheMoon: I KNOW
ChancefortheMoon: I KNOW
FreshSupplies: .......
ChancefortheMoon: BUT IT WORKS
ChancefortheMoon: IT WORKS DAMMIT
FreshSupplies: .........
ChancefortheMoon: I KNOW
ChancefortheMoon: shut up
ChancefortheMoon: OH COME ON!
FreshSupplies: Hahahaha
FreshSupplies: HAHA
FreshSupplies: WOOO
ChancefortheMoon: Why is that so funny?!
FreshSupplies: You know, I don't even know
FreshSupplies: Bahahaha
FreshSupplies: It works but just...
FreshSupplies: Hahahahaha
ChancefortheMoon: I KNOW
FreshSupplies: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha
ChancefortheMoon: If it was a better movie it wouldn't be such a bad analogy!

Well That Was Easy

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I don't get it
ChancefortheMoon: How can he be in love with me and want to be with me, and yet be in love with someone else and desperately want to be with them?
FreshSupplies: Because he's a codependent love addict.
FreshSupplies: Next.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Truthful Emoticon.

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: my head is going to explode
FreshSupplies: =(
ChancefortheMoon: I'm sick
FreshSupplies: That was an honest sad face.
FreshSupplies: No sarcasm intended.

Pig Latin

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is CancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I'm watching No Reservations
FreshSupplies: Any good?
ChancefortheMoon: They're in Cleaveland
ChancefortheMoon: this gay is hugely ay and talks SO WEIRD
ChancefortheMoon: ....
ChancefortheMoon: this guy*
ChancefortheMoon: is hugely gay*
FreshSupplies: ::Applauds::

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Too Damn Smart For Her Own Whorish Good

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: OH
ChancefortheMoon: MY
ChancefortheMoon: GOD
ChancefortheMoon: http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/mis/863643704.html
FreshSupplies: ...wow.
ChancefortheMoon: jesus
ChancefortheMoon: that's obscene
FreshSupplies: Like really....just unneccesary.
FreshSupplies: Past your tonsils...
FreshSupplies: It hurts just reading that.
FreshSupplies: And shows that he knows nothing about human anatomy.
FreshSupplies: Besides the length and girth of his penis.
FreshSupplies: And where it goes.
ChancefortheMoon: um deep throat is possible you know
ChancefortheMoon: throat*
ChancefortheMoon: not that I've been able to do it
FreshSupplies: Well yeah, but past the tonsils?
ChancefortheMoon: but other people can do it
ChancefortheMoon: you know...whores
FreshSupplies: Ah yes, I forgot about the whores.
ChancefortheMoon: I know you want to forget your past
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Your brilliance sickens me.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Aw, She Wuvs Me. =D

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: If I'm gonna make fish for the first time I think I want to start with fresh
ChancefortheMoon: and not tilapia because I've never eaten it
FreshSupplies: Ever had trout?
ChancefortheMoon: No
FreshSupplies: You could go for sea bass, just find a basic, detailed recipe.
ChancefortheMoon: Now my craving is changing to grilled cheese
FreshSupplies: Woman!
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT?
ChancefortheMoon: I HAVE MY PERIOD
ChancefortheMoon: AGAIN
FreshSupplies: When did you start?
ChancefortheMoon: Today
ChancefortheMoon: I'm cramping
FreshSupplies: ...I finished today.
ChancefortheMoon: I finished a week ago
FreshSupplies: Haha, you caught my period.
ChancefortheMoon: YOU FUCKING WHORE!
ChancefortheMoon: I'LL KILL YOU!
ChancefortheMoon: I SWEAR I WILL
FreshSupplies: But YOU'RE the one bleeding.
FreshSupplies: BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
ChancefortheMoon: AK SLF DJA;JLKF AK; FKA;J;
ChancefortheMoon: YOU
ChancefortheMoon: MUST
ChancefortheMoon: DIE
ChancefortheMoon: ::eats a pillow::
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I hate you
ChancefortheMoon: and I hope you die
FreshSupplies: You love me and you want me to be immortal, don't lie.
ChancefortheMoon: DIE
ChancefortheMoon: RHYMES WITH LIE
ChancefortheMoon: SO DIE
FreshSupplies: ...you have your period, so I'm sure that made sense in your head.
ChancefortheMoon: YES IT DID
FreshSupplies: Thank you for validating my comment.
FreshSupplies: You crazy, crazy slut.
FreshSupplies: THANKS TO ME
FreshSupplies: YOU'RE WELCOME
FreshSupplies: =D
ChancefortheMoon: AH!
ChancefortheMoon: I'm hungry
FreshSupplies: Then eat.
ChancefortheMoon: I don't know what to eat
FreshSupplies: Can't help you there.
FreshSupplies: ...that was quite an amazing downshift.
FreshSupplies: The flow must be ebbing at the moment.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: actually the cramps are lessening
FreshSupplies: So I was right.
FreshSupplies: <---- Win.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Twenty Mother Fucking Feet

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: Ooo, you found good 'chicken' nuggets?
ChancefortheMoon: YES
ChancefortheMoon: They are freaking AWESOME
ChancefortheMoon: The texture is like really tender chicken
ChancefortheMoon: a tasty spiced whole wheat crust
FreshSupplies: Brand?
ChancefortheMoon: um
ChancefortheMoon: That would be in the freezer
ChancefortheMoon: And I'm in the living room
ChancefortheMoon: And no
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Lazy.
FreshSupplies: Bitch.
ChancefortheMoon: I know.
FreshSupplies: At least my laziness involves stairs.
ChancefortheMoon: hahaha
FreshSupplies: You don't even have that excuse.
ChancefortheMoon: I SAID NO
FreshSupplies: I SAID "LAZY BITCH"
ChancefortheMoon: AND I AGREED
ChancefortheMoon: YES WE ARE.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My, You Are Quite The Sexy Vegetable

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

FreshSupplies: All I've had today is applesauce, which is bad.
FreshSupplies: I need teh foods.
ChancefortheMoon: yes you do
ChancefortheMoon: It is better to eat
FreshSupplies: Oooo, I wonder if that zucchini is still there...hold on a sec.
ChancefortheMoon: haha
FreshSupplies: Bwahahahahaha, zucchini!!!
ChancefortheMoon: ...wow
FreshSupplies: I'm hungry bitch, leave me alone.
ChancefortheMoon: I have never seen anyone that happy over a vegetable
ChancefortheMoon: Especially one as phallic as that one
ChancefortheMoon: I don't want to know what you are doing with the zucchini!
FreshSupplies: Hey, people dig their phallic vegetables, even when they don't plan on taking advantage of its phallic nature.
FreshSupplies: ...plan being the operative word.
FreshSupplies: XD
FreshSupplies: Actually no...this zucchini is a bit lacking in that department.
ChancefortheMoon: aww
FreshSupplies: Poor zucchini. =(
ChancefortheMoon: Even in vegetable form phallus' disappoint
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Did we really just have that conversation?
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I'm inclined to say yes
FreshSupplies: LIAR
FreshSupplies: ::Sigh::
FreshSupplies: ::Goes to the blog::

Friday, September 26, 2008

French Toast...Blue Birds...Radiation...

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I'm tired
FreshSupplies: Me too.
FreshSupplies: I'm getting damn near incoherent.
ChancefortheMoon: I has been for the time of the passt
FreshSupplies: I get it. You're being incoherent.
FreshSupplies: Funny.
ChancefortheMoon: hahahaha oooh I kill you.
ChancefortheMoon: ...I mean myself
FreshSupplies: Honestly? You meant both.
FreshSupplies: Even though they're the same thing.
FreshSupplies: DAMNIT, I can't even make a joke anymore.
FreshSupplies: ...go ahead...make a wise crack about how I never can anyway.
FreshSupplies: The door is wide open.
ChancefortheMoon: like your vagina
ChancefortheMoon: ::passes out::
FreshSupplies: Ewwww....for some reason that gave me the visual of you passing out in my vagina.
FreshSupplies: It's officially bed time.

I. Am. A. Dumb. Bitch.

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: taaaaalk
FreshSupplies: Stuuuuuuuf.
FreshSupplies: Haha, I wish I'd mispelled that.
ChancefortheMoon: You did
ChancefortheMoon: Moron
FreshSupplies: DAMN.

Dumb. Bitch.

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: TRIAL BY FIRE
ChancefortheMoon: WE HAVE TO SEE THIS
ChancefortheMoon: TOMORROW
ChancefortheMoon: LIFE TIME
FreshSupplies: What time?
ChancefortheMoon: I thinks eight
FreshSupplies: I have a show.
ChancefortheMoon: yay
ChancefortheMoon: no wait
ChancefortheMoon: boo

Monday, September 15, 2008

Television for Women

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is Chanceforthemoon

ChancefortheMoon: he's still very much in love with me
FreshSupplies: Well duh.
ChancefortheMoon: even though he's in a relationship with someone else
ChancefortheMoon: ...ohgod
ChancefortheMoon: I'm a Lifetime movie
FreshSupplies: Yes. Yes you are.
FreshSupplies: But the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

Friday, September 12, 2008

An Entry About How We Don't Make Many Entries

ChancefortheMoon: We haven't had [a blog post] in a while
ChancefortheMoon: we need to be funnier
FreshSupplies: We had one like yesterday.
ChancefortheMoon: 4 days ago
ChancefortheMoon: We had 11 in July, 3 in August, and now two in September
ChancefortheMoon: hahaha
ChancefortheMoon: It's the titles that make me laugh
ChancefortheMoon: Well that and how funny we are
ChancefortheMoon: And the fact that you're an idiot
FreshSupplies: So in other words: The blog makes you laugh.
ChancefortheMoon: Yep, that sums it up
FreshSupplies: ...and I'm the idiot?
ChancefortheMoon: /end

Every Now And Then She Kind Of Scares Me

ChancefortheMoon: I wonder if there is an okkkcupid?

Monday, September 8, 2008


FreshSupplies: I identify with Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" song.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: GET OUT
FreshSupplies: ::Leaves::

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fickle Bitch

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: oh and my lesbian mode is shot to shit
ChancefortheMoon: no hot lesbians
FreshSupplies: ...huh?
ChancefortheMoon: I changed my sexuality to lesbian
ChancefortheMoon: and no hot lesbos
ChancefortheMoon: so I'm going back to bi
FreshSupplies: That was quick.
FreshSupplies: Haha, kind of like when Jack decides to switch to women.
ChancefortheMoon: woohoo!
ChancefortheMoon: I'm Jack Sparrow!
FreshSupplies: Jack MacFarland.
FreshSupplies: Dumbass.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: FUCK
FreshSupplies: FAIL

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Ring or a Car?

FreshSupplies: Oh wow, that's beautiful.
FreshSupplies: White gold?
ChancefortheMoon: I TOLD YOU
ChancefortheMoon: Platinum
FreshSupplies: Ah.
ChancefortheMoon: I actually tried it on
ChancefortheMoon: It looks beautiful on me
FreshSupplies: How much?
ChancefortheMoon: 28 grand
FreshSupplies: O.O
FreshSupplies: Who the fuck are you gonna marry?!?!
ChancefortheMoon: HAHAHA
ChancefortheMoon: Stephen
FreshSupplies: Is he a high class pimp on the side or something?
FreshSupplies: 'Cause DAMN.
ChancefortheMoon: Hey
ChancefortheMoon: He's got at least three years
ChancefortheMoon: Stephen says it isn't
FreshSupplies: Isn't what? The price of a car?
ChancefortheMoon: "A decent car, yes"
FreshSupplies: You could get a great, brand new car with almost thirty grand.
ChancefortheMoon: yeah well I want a great, brand new engagement ring
FreshSupplies: His balls didn't drop off when you told him the price?
ChancefortheMoon: nope
FreshSupplies: 'Cause mine would.
FreshSupplies: And I don't even have any.
ChancefortheMoon: he's thinking of getting it custom made
ChancefortheMoon: I don't need platinum
ChancefortheMoon: white gold is good
ChancefortheMoon: although I loooove the cushion diamond
ChancefortheMoon: and the tiny little diamonds
FreshSupplies: Oh well, then, white gold instead of platinum?
FreshSupplies: Nevermind, then.
FreshSupplies: Totally cheap.
ChancefortheMoon: Sarcastic much?
ChancefortheMoon: It makes it CHEAPER
FreshSupplies: Hello, my name is Brittany.
ChancefortheMoon: but it ain't cheap
ChancefortheMoon: Not as cheap as you
FreshSupplies: Apparently you haven't met me.
FreshSupplies: Wait.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Strangest Things Make Me Explode

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: ugh I need to be fucked
FreshSupplies: I got fucked!
FreshSupplies: Does that count?
FreshSupplies: XD
ChancefortheMoon: har har
ChancefortheMoon: and no
FreshSupplies: =(
ChancefortheMoon: Well it's good for you
ChancefortheMoon: which means it's good for me
ChancefortheMoon: and if it's good for me then it's good for you
ChancefortheMoon: and if it's good good for you then it's good good for me
FreshSupplies: I CAN'T
FreshSupplies: I'M IN IT TO
FreshSupplies: BECAUSE YOU ARE
FreshSupplies: AHHHH
FreshSupplies: ::Explodes::
ChancefortheMoon: AHHHH

Friday, August 1, 2008

No, We're Not Twelve Years Old...Technically.

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is CancefortheMoon.

We were both watching Shark Week.

FreshSupplies: Hahaha, "Most shark attacks fall into two categories."
FreshSupplies: Yeah.
FreshSupplies: PAIN
FreshSupplies: and DEATH
ChancefortheMoon: hahahaha
ChancefortheMoon: Yes the shark will be attracted to the floating plastic doll...
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: CHUM
FreshSupplies: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I MEANT CHUM
ChancefortheMoon: NO
FreshSupplies: HAHAHAHAHA
ChancefortheMoon: STOP
ChancefortheMoon: NOW
FreshSupplies: YES
FreshSupplies: YOU CAN'T STOP ME
ChancefortheMoon: GOD DAMMIT
FreshSupplies: BAHAHAHAHA
ChancefortheMoon: It was a mistake!!!
ChancefortheMoon: ::head desk::
FreshSupplies: ::Sigh:: I love typos.
ChancefortheMoon: I saw my typo and my face literally went O.O NOOOOO
FreshSupplies: But by then...it was too late.
FreshSupplies: XD
FreshSupplies: It was like an episode of 24...only lamer.
FreshSupplies: And not as life threatening.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm Considering Divorcing My Keyboard....Because That's Realistic and Totally Possible.

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: http://www.punchanpie.net/cgi-bin/autokeenlite.cgi?date=20070525
ChancefortheMoon: See
ChancefortheMoon: that is you
FreshSupplies: Hahahahaha SHUT UP.
FreshSupplies: I mean no...I have done something eerily similar to that to my mom before.
FreshSupplies: haven't*
FreshSupplies: HAVEN'T*
FreshSupplies: DAMN
FreshSupplies: ::Headdesk::

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We Argue In A Mature, Rational Fashion Because We Are Adults

ChancefortheMoon: Swing Vote
ChancefortheMoon: Opinion
ChancefortheMoon: Now
FreshSupplies: If someone other than Kevin Costner was starring in it, I might have considered seeing it.
ChancefortheMoon: Oh but the supporting cast is so good
ChancefortheMoon: Stanely Tucci, Kelsey Grammer, Nathan Lane
FreshSupplies: But they're supporting, Costner will get more attention and screen time.
FreshSupplies: Although the "If you met my mother you would understand" line is classic.
FreshSupplies: ...watching TDS I gather/
ChancefortheMoon: TDS?
FreshSupplies: Daily Show.
ChancefortheMoon: Don't you mean STDs?
ChancefortheMoon: Because you're a big whore?
FreshSupplies: The
FreshSupplies: Daily
FreshSupplies: Show
ChancefortheMoon: Sexually
ChancefortheMoon: Transmitted
ChancefortheMoon: Disease
FreshSupplies: I said TDS!
FreshSupplies: NOT STDs.
FreshSupplies: It's not my fault STDs are all you can think of!
FreshSupplies: You're perverted mind is not my fault!
ChancefortheMoon: I know you said TDS
ChancefortheMoon: That's why I said:
ChancefortheMoon: ChancefortheMoon (1:23:05 AM): Don't you mean STDs?
FreshSupplies: But i didn't mean STDs.
FreshSupplies: Which is why I answered you with "The Daily Show."
ChancefortheMoon: Not my fault you're too much of a moron to realize my joke
FreshSupplies: Well der, of course I realized it.
FreshSupplies: It just wasn't funny, because you're an unfunny whore.
FreshSupplies: NO
FreshSupplies: I REFUSE
ChancefortheMoon: ::KILLS::
ChancefortheMoon: DIE WHORE!
ChancefortheMoon: ::YOU DIE::
ChancefortheMoon: there
ChancefortheMoon: done
FreshSupplies: <---- IS IMMORTAL
FreshSupplies: So deal with it.
ChancefortheMoon: <-----IS THE SUN
ChancefortheMoon: BAH!
FreshSupplies: o.O
ChancefortheMoon: You 'splode now
ChancefortheMoon: oh and I'm watching TDS as well
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Bitch, that's all I wanted to know.
FreshSupplies: I hate you.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Michelle is Happy

ChancefortheMoon: Oh yeah
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT THE FUCK
ChancefortheMoon: Die
ChancefortheMoon: ugh
ChancefortheMoon: everything should be death
ChancefortheMoon: /end emo moment

Suicidal Tendencies Can Be Fun, Too!

Michelle is Chanceforthemoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I loathe myself
ChancefortheMoon: wooo

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Little Bunny FooFoo Offers Spiritual Guidance

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: Oh
ChancefortheMoon: I didn't tell you
ChancefortheMoon: I'm think I'm converting
ChancefortheMoon: I might want to be a full Jew
ChancefortheMoon: I mean I still believe in magic and faeries and other Pagan things
ChancefortheMoon: But I am half Jewish and I've always loves the traditions
ChancefortheMoon: loved*
FreshSupplies: But do you believe everything they believe, is the big question.
ChancefortheMoon: And I've always felt like it's been a part of me that I never filly learned
ChancefortheMoon: Well I believe in God
ChancefortheMoon: I don't believe in Jesus
ChancefortheMoon: I mean I believe he existed
ChancefortheMoon: I just don't think he was the son of God
ChancefortheMoon: I'm going to talk to a Rabbit
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: wow
ChancefortheMoon: Go ahead and laugh
ChancefortheMoon: I know you are
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: ::Dies::
ChancefortheMoon: I think I'll bring some carrots
FreshSupplies: That's the usual offering, I suppose.
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: ::Dies again::
FreshSupplies: You know that has to go in the blog.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
FreshSupplies: Good.

Double Homicide

Brittany is FrshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: what was the name of the guy who we thought was a Troll who spelled really terribly?
FreshSupplies: UUUUUGH
FreshSupplies: What the hell was his name...
FreshSupplies: D...
FreshSupplies: ....D....
FreshSupplies: ZACKDRAW
ChancefortheMoon: I'm asking Scott
FreshSupplies: HA!
ChancefortheMoon: ZACKDRAW
FreshSupplies: I'M AWESOME
FreshSupplies: <---- WIN
ChancefortheMoon: Yes you are
ChancefortheMoon: You get a cookie
FreshSupplies: Woo!
ChancefortheMoon: ::hands cookies::
FreshSupplies: ::Eats them like a pig::
FreshSupplies: =D
ChancefortheMoon: They have poison in them.
ChancefortheMoon: =D
FreshSupplies: ::Stabs you::
ChancefortheMoon: I win
ChancefortheMoon: You die
FreshSupplies: WE DIE TOGETHER
ChancefortheMoon: DAMMIT
FreshSupplies: BWAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
ChancefortheMoon: ::dies::
FreshSupplies: ::Keels over::
ChancefortheMoon: I hate you
FreshSupplies: I loathe every fiber of your being that I've never physically met.

Monday, July 21, 2008

OkCupid doesn't know shit.

Once again, Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

FreshSupplies: Oh yeah, the 'harder drugs' question is a fluke 'cause back then I didn't know you could select more than one answer that your ideal mate could give.
FreshSupplies: Or else I would've clicked both.
ChancefortheMoon: oooh
ChancefortheMoon: ...
FreshSupplies: Hahahahaha
FreshSupplies: Fuck OkCupid, we're soulmates and we know it.
FreshSupplies: =P

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Old Before the New Vol. 3

Brittany is FreshSupplies. Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: DAMN YOU MILK!!
ChancefortheMoon: OOH OOH!
FreshSupplies: A backwards owl?
ChancefortheMoon: christ I have a mountain of eyes
ChancefortheMoon: fries*
ChancefortheMoon: We just unpacked the shower! Hop in, we're gonna fuck!
ChancefortheMoon: Orgasm in the mouth?
FreshSupplies: The pie.
ChancefortheMoon: oooh
ChancefortheMoon: I was like 'I don't remember that part of the movie'
Chanceforthemoon: OH MY GOD, speaking of penises...
ChancefortheMoon: ::dies::
ChancefortheMoon: I NEED THIS
FreshSupplies: .....a snack?
FreshSupplies: ....a hug?
FreshSupplies: ....a severe beating?
FreshSupplies: ....a cure for herpes?
FreshSupplies: WHAT?
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: just becuase that was amazing doesn't mean I have to like you
ChancefortheMoon: Cillian McMurphy + vampire = orgasmic death
FreshSupplies: Is he actually gonna play one or is that just a statement for me to agree with?
ChancefortheMoon: the latter
FreshSupplies: Oh.
FreshSupplies: Well then.
FreshSupplies: I agree.
Chanceforthemoon: You sound very much like a pimp at the moment.

Old Before the New Vol. 2

Brittany is FreshSupplies. Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

FreshSupplies: I have gay guys making out right next to me.
FreshSupplies: What do I do?
ChancefortheMoon: Whisper in their ear "Stop thinking about my vagina."
FreshSupplies: So I was listening to Viva la Vida for the 3494594303rd time.
ChancefortheMoon: uh huh
FreshSupplies: And I realized that the a lot of the lyrics really remind me of Tony Stark.
ChancefortheMoon: Hello obsession
ChancefortheMoon: Nice to meet you again?
ChancefortheMoon: How long will you be staying in town?
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Just because that was brilliant....it doesn't mean I like you.
FreshSupplies: I think we're just stupid.
ChancefortheMoon: Woohoo!
ChancefortheMoon: The boy is almost off work!
FreshSupplies: HAHA
FreshSupplies: I thought that was a holler of joy for being stupid.
ChancefortheMoon: That too
ChancefortheMoon: HOORAY!!
FreshSupplies: ::Throws confetti::
ChancefortheMoon: ::eats it::
ChancefortheMoon: Your subconcious hates you as much as I hate you consciously
FreshSupplies: We are so playing strip drunk scrabble someday.
ChancefortheMoon: uh hell yeah
FreshSupplies: Ooooooo guess what I'm making.
ChancefortheMoon: pie
ChancefortheMoon: OOH OOH
ChancefortheMoon: HERPES
ChancefortheMoon: oh my god
ChancefortheMoon: Best moment ever
ChancefortheMoon: I got angry at Stephen because he's stupid
FreshSupplies: GREAT MOMENT
FreshSupplies: Tell that story at parties.
ChancefortheMoon: I didn't even tell you about the lolbob
ChancefortheMoon: lowbob*
FreshSupplies: blowjob*
ChancefortheMoon: no no
FreshSupplies: Oh.
ChancefortheMoon: lowbob
FreshSupplies: I just thought you were stupid.
Chanceforthemoon: Love is a breadstick
ChancefortheMoon: OH MY GOD
ChancefortheMoon: DOUBT
ChancefortheMoon: OH MY GOD
ChancefortheMoon: sdjfalk jfas;dfjka;fdkja ;sjdkf ajfkasjf a;
FreshSupplies: Holy...whoa....calm down!
FreshSupplies: I know!!!
ChancefortheMoon: AAAAAH!!!!!
FreshSupplies: BREATHE
ChancefortheMoon: NO
ChancefortheMoon: DON'T
ChancefortheMoon: WANT
ChancefortheMoon: TO
ChancefortheMoon: ::faint::
ChancefortheMoon: YES YOU CAN
ChancefortheMoon: Positive thinking bitch
FreshSupplies: He's a man's man.
FreshSupplies: ...in a non-gay way.
ChancefortheMoon: HOLY ORAL BATMAN!
ChancefortheMoon: WHERE IS MY SUPERSUIT!?
ChancefortheMoon: SUPERSUITE*
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I had it right the first time
ChancefortheMoon: Sorry I was watching TV at the same time and my subconcious took over
ChancefortheMoon: I want to kill you
ChancefortheMoon: ...I mean seafood is interesting
Chanceforthemoon: I have asexual dilemma.
Chanceforthemoon: a sexual*
ChancefortheMoon: Wait
ChancefortheMoon: I'm not a sophomore nymore
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: HOLY SHIT
ChancefortheMoon: I'm a Junior
ChancefortheMoon: I'm halfway done with college
ChancefortheMoon: /end bi polar disorder
ChancefortheMoon: but has a weird one neck thing
FreshSupplies: He has a weird smile though
ChancefortheMoon: like his chin and his neck are connected
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: HAHAHAHAHA
FreshSupplies: dklfgd;hg
FreshSupplies: Really?
ChancefortheMoon: YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
ChancefortheMoon: ugh I feel like I have midgets comiting in my stomach
FreshSupplies: ...
ChancefortheMoon: vomiting*
ChancefortheMoon: damn typos
ChancefortheMoon: Now I sound like a whore
ChancefortheMoon: A disoriented, old whore
Chanceforthemoon: I'm taking a quick shower
FreshSupplies: 'Cause you're a dirty bitch.
ChancefortheMoon: well now I'm a clean one
ChancefortheMoon: She becomes a psychologist to concentration camp victims
ChancefortheMoon: wait that isn't funny

Old Before the New Vol 1.

I'll be posting the old stuff until it's up to date. It'll eventually get to where the postings are up to date with when we say it...if that makes any sense.
For the record: Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon. Yes, both are Sweeney Todd references. Deal with it. XD

Here we go:

ChancefortheMoon: do you think six bras is enough?
ChancefortheMoon: For Paris
FreshSupplies: How long are you gonna be there, again?
ChancefortheMoon: 8 days
ChancefortheMoon: I'm packing them for varities sake
ChancefortheMoon: I have my comfy bra (2), my push up bra, strappless bra, semi-comfortable slightly push bras (2)
ChancefortheMoon: I packed more bras than socks....
FreshSupplies: ....
ChancefortheMoon: Well I like to reuse my socks!!
ChancefortheMoon: ...until they smell
ChancefortheMoon: I mean I reuse my bras too
FreshSupplies: Me too.
ChancefortheMoon: but I think it's more important to have a variety of bras than socks
ChancefortheMoon: Socks you cannot see
ChancefortheMoon: Bras affect the boobies
FreshSupplies: This is true.
ChancefortheMoon: People see the boobies
ChancefortheMoon: erego bras are more important than socks
FreshSupplies: ::Applauds::
ChancefortheMoon: HE'S DOING 700 HUNDRED SIT UPS A DAY
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT THE FUCK
FreshSupplies: ??!?!
FreshSupplies: WHo does that?!?!
ChancefortheMoon: MY BOYFRIEND
ChancefortheMoon: apparently
FreshSupplies: Can your boyfriend tell my boyfriend to do 700 push ups.
ChancefortheMoon: hahaha
FreshSupplies: It doesn't even have to happen in one day.
FreshSupplies: A year would be cool too.
FreshSupplies: I love Bruce Willis.
FreshSupplies: ...just thought I'd throw that out there.
ChancefortheMoon: Well I told him that when I came home I would help him "get his groove back"
FreshSupplies: Much like Stella.
ChancefortheMoon: that's why I said it
FreshSupplies: I DON'T KNOW!!! WHY ARE WE YELLING?!?!?!
ChancefortheMoon: BECAUSE I'M HORNY
FreshSupplies: ...we both have boyfriends.
ChancefortheMoon: I have to go to bed
FreshSupplies: Well blah.
FreshSupplies: Fine then, be human.
ChancefortheMoon: I has a midterm
FreshSupplies: You has a whore.
ChancefortheMoon: yeah I do
ChancefortheMoon: She's going to make me proud one day ::sniffle::
FreshSupplies: Hahahaha
FreshSupplies: Okay...I'll give you that one.
ChancefortheMoon: bahaha
ChancefortheMoon: My cleverness pays off once again
FreshSupplies: Bitch.
ChancefortheMoon: Hullo
ChancefortheMoon: Ooh I know you're there!
ChancefortheMoon: You were typing!
FreshSupplies: ::Sniffle:: I'm allowed to have other friends!
ChancefortheMoon: How could you!
ChancefortheMoon: How could you do this to me?!
ChancefortheMoon: AND OUR BABY
ChancefortheMoon: That's right! I'm pregnant!
ChancefortheMoon: But there's only one problem.
ChancefortheMoon: I don't know who I am!
ChancefortheMoon: /end soap opera
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
FreshSupplies: Whaaaaaaaat
ChancefortheMoon: Hi!!!
ChancefortheMoon: :Runs away::
FreshSupplies: Whoa, this dude speaks Arabic an French fluently.
FreshSupplies: Ha, he's 32.
FreshSupplies: ....and a well muscled black man.
ChancefortheMoon: haha
ChancefortheMoon: I like big butts and I cannot lie
FreshSupplies: Hahahaha
ChancefortheMoon: You other brothers can't deny
FreshSupplies: Shut UP.
ChancefortheMoon: when a girl walks in with that itty bitty waist
FreshSupplies: I don't care if that was brilliant, SHUT IT.
ChancefortheMoon: and that big round thing in your face
ChancefortheMoon: you get sprung!
ChancefortheMoon: /end brilliance
FreshSupplies: Today was my first day back working out.
ChancefortheMoon: woohoo!
ChancefortheMoon: How did it go?
FreshSupplies: My plan is to go every other day, and if I'm really beat maybe skip a day, but not very often.
ChancefortheMoon: Well you aren't supposed to work out everyday
FreshSupplies: Hence the every other day.
ChancefortheMoon: If you are just starting it's three times a week
ChancefortheMoon: Then move it up to five times a day for 20 minutes
FreshSupplies: Who the crap has time for that?
ChancefortheMoon: You make the time
FreshSupplies: That would totally bog me down, and I'd have to shower a million times a day.
FreshSupplies: 'Cause I sweat like a fiend.
ChancefortheMoon: You're the one who wants to get in shape
ChancefortheMoon: If you want that this is what you have to do
FreshSupplies: I'll stick to working up to a full body workout in an hour, five times a week.
FreshSupplies: I don't need to be a goddess.
ChancefortheMoon: ...?
FreshSupplies: I would've said Adonis, but that's a guy.
ChancefortheMoon: When I said you have to work out 20 minutes five times a week you said that you couldn't do that
ChancefortheMoon: And yet you want to do an hour five times a week?
FreshSupplies: "ChancefortheMoon: Then move it up to five times a day for 20 minutes"
ChancefortheMoon: How the crap does that work?
FreshSupplies: DAY
FreshSupplies: You said day.
ChancefortheMoon: OOOOH
ChancefortheMoon: I meant week
FreshSupplies: BAHAHAHA
FreshSupplies: HAHAHA
FreshSupplies: You should've seen my face.
FreshSupplies: o.O ChancefortheMoon: Who the hell works out like that?!?!
FreshSupplies: THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!
FreshSupplies: That whoooooole thing is now in my profile.
FreshSupplies: You stupid bitch.
ChancefortheMoon: But whyyyy?
FreshSupplies: Because your stupidity is asmusingggggg.
FreshSupplies: ...
ChancefortheMoon: ...
FreshSupplies: Amusing*
ChancefortheMoon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
FreshSupplies: SHUT UP
ChancefortheMoon: FAIL
FreshSupplies: SHUT
FreshSupplies: UP
FreshSupplies: DIE
ChancefortheMoon: fail fail fail fail fail
FreshSupplies: DIEEEEEEE
FreshSupplies: ::Sigh:: Now that has to go in my profile.
FreshSupplies: ::Shame::

The Bitch Manifesto

I'm Brittany. I'm friends with Michelle. Thank the Sweeney Todd message board over at imdb.com for that. We talk just about everyday on AOL Instant Messenger, and just about everyday we say something funny. Me being the dork I am, I've been saving the funny bits for a while now in different places (my imdb profile, Facebook, places like that) and I always seem to run out of room. Michelle, being the celver bitch that she is, suggested that we start a blog to have a place to keep all of the funny shit we say. Maybe somebody else will read them and laugh...maybe not. Does it matter? Not really.
So here we are.