I'll be posting the old stuff until it's up to date. It'll eventually get to where the postings are up to date with when we say it...if that makes any sense.
For the record: Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon. Yes, both are Sweeney Todd references. Deal with it. XD
Here we go:
ChancefortheMoon: do you think six bras is enough?
ChancefortheMoon: For Paris
FreshSupplies: How long are you gonna be there, again?
ChancefortheMoon: 8 days
ChancefortheMoon: I'm packing them for varities sake
ChancefortheMoon: I have my comfy bra (2), my push up bra, strappless bra, semi-comfortable slightly push bras (2)
ChancefortheMoon: I packed more bras than socks....
FreshSupplies: ....
ChancefortheMoon: Well I like to reuse my socks!!
ChancefortheMoon: ...until they smell
ChancefortheMoon: I mean I reuse my bras too
FreshSupplies: Me too.
ChancefortheMoon: but I think it's more important to have a variety of bras than socks
ChancefortheMoon: Socks you cannot see
ChancefortheMoon: Bras affect the boobies
FreshSupplies: This is true.
ChancefortheMoon: People see the boobies
ChancefortheMoon: erego bras are more important than socks
FreshSupplies: ::Applauds::
ChancefortheMoon: HE'S DOING 700 HUNDRED SIT UPS A DAY
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT THE FUCK
FreshSupplies: ??!?!
FreshSupplies: WHo does that?!?!
ChancefortheMoon: MY BOYFRIEND
ChancefortheMoon: apparently
FreshSupplies: Can your boyfriend tell my boyfriend to do 700 push ups.
ChancefortheMoon: hahaha
FreshSupplies: It doesn't even have to happen in one day.
FreshSupplies: A year would be cool too.
FreshSupplies: I love Bruce Willis.
FreshSupplies: ...just thought I'd throw that out there.
ChancefortheMoon: Well I told him that when I came home I would help him "get his groove back"
FreshSupplies: Much like Stella.
ChancefortheMoon: that's why I said it
FreshSupplies: I DON'T KNOW!!! WHY ARE WE YELLING?!?!?!
ChancefortheMoon: BECAUSE I'M HORNY
FreshSupplies: ...we both have boyfriends.
ChancefortheMoon: I have to go to bed
FreshSupplies: Well blah.
FreshSupplies: Fine then, be human.
ChancefortheMoon: I has a midterm
FreshSupplies: You has a whore.
ChancefortheMoon: yeah I do
ChancefortheMoon: She's going to make me proud one day ::sniffle::
FreshSupplies: Hahahaha
FreshSupplies: Okay...I'll give you that one.
ChancefortheMoon: bahaha
ChancefortheMoon: My cleverness pays off once again
FreshSupplies: Bitch.
ChancefortheMoon: Hullo
ChancefortheMoon: Ooh I know you're there!
ChancefortheMoon: You were typing!
FreshSupplies: ::Sniffle:: I'm allowed to have other friends!
ChancefortheMoon: How could you!
ChancefortheMoon: How could you do this to me?!
ChancefortheMoon: AND OUR BABY
ChancefortheMoon: That's right! I'm pregnant!
ChancefortheMoon: But there's only one problem.
ChancefortheMoon: I don't know who I am!
ChancefortheMoon: /end soap opera
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
ChancefortheMoon: hey
FreshSupplies: Whaaaaaaaat
ChancefortheMoon: Hi!!!
ChancefortheMoon: :Runs away::
FreshSupplies: Whoa, this dude speaks Arabic an French fluently.
FreshSupplies: Ha, he's 32.
FreshSupplies: ....and a well muscled black man.
ChancefortheMoon: haha
ChancefortheMoon: I like big butts and I cannot lie
FreshSupplies: Hahahaha
ChancefortheMoon: You other brothers can't deny
FreshSupplies: Shut UP.
ChancefortheMoon: when a girl walks in with that itty bitty waist
FreshSupplies: I don't care if that was brilliant, SHUT IT.
ChancefortheMoon: and that big round thing in your face
ChancefortheMoon: you get sprung!
ChancefortheMoon: /end brilliance
FreshSupplies: Today was my first day back working out.
ChancefortheMoon: woohoo!
ChancefortheMoon: How did it go?
FreshSupplies: My plan is to go every other day, and if I'm really beat maybe skip a day, but not very often.
ChancefortheMoon: Well you aren't supposed to work out everyday
FreshSupplies: Hence the every other day.
ChancefortheMoon: If you are just starting it's three times a week
ChancefortheMoon: Then move it up to five times a day for 20 minutes
FreshSupplies: Who the crap has time for that?
ChancefortheMoon: You make the time
FreshSupplies: That would totally bog me down, and I'd have to shower a million times a day.
FreshSupplies: 'Cause I sweat like a fiend.
ChancefortheMoon: You're the one who wants to get in shape
ChancefortheMoon: If you want that this is what you have to do
FreshSupplies: I'll stick to working up to a full body workout in an hour, five times a week.
FreshSupplies: I don't need to be a goddess.
ChancefortheMoon: ...?
FreshSupplies: I would've said Adonis, but that's a guy.
ChancefortheMoon: When I said you have to work out 20 minutes five times a week you said that you couldn't do that
ChancefortheMoon: And yet you want to do an hour five times a week?
FreshSupplies: "ChancefortheMoon: Then move it up to five times a day for 20 minutes"
ChancefortheMoon: How the crap does that work?
FreshSupplies: DAY
FreshSupplies: You said day.
ChancefortheMoon: OOOOH
ChancefortheMoon: I meant week
FreshSupplies: BAHAHAHA
FreshSupplies: HAHAHA
FreshSupplies: You should've seen my face.
FreshSupplies: o.O ChancefortheMoon: Who the hell works out like that?!?!
FreshSupplies: THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!
FreshSupplies: That whoooooole thing is now in my profile.
FreshSupplies: You stupid bitch.
ChancefortheMoon: But whyyyy?
FreshSupplies: Because your stupidity is asmusingggggg.
FreshSupplies: ...
ChancefortheMoon: ...
FreshSupplies: Amusing*
ChancefortheMoon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
FreshSupplies: SHUT UP
ChancefortheMoon: FAIL
FreshSupplies: SHUT
FreshSupplies: UP
FreshSupplies: DIE
ChancefortheMoon: fail fail fail fail fail
FreshSupplies: DIEEEEEEE
FreshSupplies: ::Sigh:: Now that has to go in my profile.
FreshSupplies: ::Shame::
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