Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Double Homicide

Brittany is FrshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: what was the name of the guy who we thought was a Troll who spelled really terribly?
FreshSupplies: UUUUUGH
FreshSupplies: What the hell was his name...
FreshSupplies: D...
FreshSupplies: ....D....
FreshSupplies: ZACKDRAW
ChancefortheMoon: I'm asking Scott
FreshSupplies: HA!
ChancefortheMoon: ZACKDRAW
FreshSupplies: I'M AWESOME
FreshSupplies: <---- WIN
ChancefortheMoon: Yes you are
ChancefortheMoon: You get a cookie
FreshSupplies: Woo!
ChancefortheMoon: ::hands cookies::
FreshSupplies: ::Eats them like a pig::
FreshSupplies: =D
ChancefortheMoon: They have poison in them.
ChancefortheMoon: =D
FreshSupplies: ::Stabs you::
ChancefortheMoon: I win
ChancefortheMoon: You die
FreshSupplies: WE DIE TOGETHER
ChancefortheMoon: DAMMIT
FreshSupplies: BWAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
ChancefortheMoon: ::dies::
FreshSupplies: ::Keels over::
ChancefortheMoon: I hate you
FreshSupplies: I loathe every fiber of your being that I've never physically met.

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