Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Michelle Wasted: Almost New Year's Eve Edition

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: I told you torrentz were wonderful
ChancefortheMoon: You should download the rest of Dexter overnight
ChancefortheMoon: Keep uTorrents open though
FreshSupplies: That would take longer than over night, and I don't think I have the room anyways.
FreshSupplies: I'll have to download a couple of episodes at a time and delete as I go.
ChancefortheMoon: i own season 1
FreshSupplies: That would be wonderfully helpful if we lived in the same region.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
ChancefortheMoon: move to ew York already
FreshSupplies: o.O
FreshSupplies: How would that help anything?
ChancefortheMoon: It would
ChancefortheMoon: Because I could tke the bu to ee you
ChancefortheMoon: sorry I found ome wine
ChancefortheMoon: some
FreshSupplies: Wow, that was a rapid deterioration of basic motor skills.
FreshSupplies: I don't know if I should be impressed or call an ambulance.

--------------------Two Minutes Later--------------------------------

FreshSupplies: Hey, we broke our 11 post ceiling!!
ChancefortheMoon: YES!!!!
FreshSupplies: =D
ChancefortheMoon: there should be a special post just to note that
FreshSupplies: You mean like I copied this bot of convo and made it a new post?
FreshSupplies: bit*
FreshSupplies: if I*
FreshSupplies: God, speaking of deteriorating motor skills.

Oh Fuck It, She's My Harley

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: Tim Burton: Plot driven or character driven?
FreshSupplies: Oh dear god, what a question.
FreshSupplies: My first instinct is to say character.
ChancefortheMoon: Aren't I good?
ChancefortheMoon: We'll have fun with this one I think.
ChancefortheMoon: We can go through each movie and discuss. Muahahha.
FreshSupplies: Oooo
FreshSupplies: Yesm.
ChancefortheMoon: Chronologically
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: I was just about to type "From th beginning."
ChancefortheMoon: I WIN!
FreshSupplies: But I froze because I forgot what the first movie was.
ChancefortheMoon: the magic of IMDB
FreshSupplies: We're gonna make Nightmare count even though he didn't direct it.
ChancefortheMoon: Should we go by movies he wrote or directed?
ChancefortheMoon: ...
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: STOP IT
FreshSupplies: GOD DAMNIT
ChancefortheMoon: YOU STOP IT

She's Either My Robin or My Joker.

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

ChancefortheMoon: I think you should do a test run of the torrents first
ChancefortheMoon: to see if you still like it
ChancefortheMoon: Because the stuff for the Rosetta Stone is a bit more advanced.
ChancefortheMoon: and I have to go soon
FreshSupplies: I'll download Dexter.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: YOU FUCKING WHORE
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT THE FUCK
ChancefortheMoon: WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK!?!?!?
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: /end life

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Admit Defeat

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon.

FreshSupplies: Okay, sending the new [pages].
ChancefortheMoon: woo
ChancefortheMoon: I need something entertaining
ChancefortheMoon: Good thing the TV is on
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Michelle - 1. Brittany - 0.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Long But Brilliant (Yes I'm Aware of How Sexual That Sounds)

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\book vamp Humanesque.doc.
ChancefortheMoon received C:\Documents and Settings\Brittany\My Documents\book vamp Humanesque.doc.
ChancefortheMoon: Same method for editing?
ChancefortheMoon: Wait I'm not reading it now
ChancefortheMoon: and you're going to write more
ChancefortheMoon: So why do I need this?
ChancefortheMoon: It makes no sense.
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Stop making points.
ChancefortheMoon: HAH
FreshSupplies: I'm excited. SUE ME.
ChancefortheMoon: Fine I will
ChancefortheMoon: My sister got accepted to Harvard Law
ChancefortheMoon: so hah
FreshSupplies: My brother went to Princeton. So ha.
FreshSupplies: He was offered every Ivy league university under the sun.
FreshSupplies: So =P
ChancefortheMoon: So is my sister
ChancefortheMoon: So =P
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: WHY ARE WE THE SAME PERSON!?
FreshSupplies: You weren't copying me?
FreshSupplies: You did that on your own?
ChancefortheMoon: whore
FreshSupplies: On second thought, maybe you shouldn't come visit me.
FreshSupplies: The world couldn't handle it.
ChancefortheMoon: hah
FreshSupplies: Oh and for future reference: Yeah the same method for editing, only you can send it with the same title and I'll just delete your comments as I go through it.
FreshSupplies: Without paying attention to them.
FreshSupplies: At all.
ChancefortheMoon: yeah right that's why you loved my toasting suggestion
FreshSupplies: Hey, what did I say about making points?
ChancefortheMoon: and used it
ChancefortheMoon: Oh my god funniest thing happened today
FreshSupplies: o.O
FreshSupplies: And which personality is this?
ChancefortheMoon: Cassandra
FreshSupplies: Oh yay, I like her.
FreshSupplies: Much better than Michelle.
ChancefortheMoon: So my mom and I go to the post office to mail my visa forms and there's some asshole who decided to park in two lanes. So I'm sitting in the car and bitching about how rude this guy is and who the hell does he think he is.
ChancefortheMoon: I get out of the car and I look to see what kind of car it is
ChancefortheMoon: And it's a fucking maserati
FreshSupplies: HAHAHA
FreshSupplies: Wait, that's not funny.
ChancefortheMoon: It's coming
FreshSupplies: I love it when you quote your clients.
ChancefortheMoon: ...
ChancefortheMoon: I hate you
FreshSupplies: That was too easy.
FreshSupplies: Much like you.
ChancefortheMoon: So I get out and I tell m mom "Oh it's a Maserati! He probably has a small dick"
ChancefortheMoon: And the door to the post office was slightly open and the guy who owned the car was RIGHT THERE
ChancefortheMoon: And he DEFINITELY heard me because I was loud
ChancefortheMoon: He gave me a kind of sad and mean look, got into his car and sped off.
ChancefortheMoon: Because it is so much worse when a pretty girl accuses you of having a small dick
FreshSupplies: So I guess it wasn't that bad then.
ChancefortheMoon: I thought it was hilarious
ChancefortheMoon: and har you're so fucking clever aren't you
FreshSupplies: =D

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Michelle Wasted: Christmas Eve Edition

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon returned at 9:35:41 PM.
FreshSupplies: Having a good Christmas Eve?
ChancefortheMoon: DRUNK!!
ChancefortheMoon: wooo!!!!!!!!
FreshSupplies: I'll take that as a yes.
ChancefortheMoon: Dear lord I am so fucking drunk
FreshSupplies: Haha
ChancefortheMoon: I can't even fathom it
ChancefortheMoon: Dear lord am so fucking drunk
ChancefortheMoon: This isn't musing
ChancefortheMoon: I'm really srunk
ChancefortheMoon: Drunk
ChancefortheMoon: gah
FreshSupplies: I'm just gonna sit back and watch.
ChancefortheMoon: The Irish guy called me to wish me a Happy Christmas
ChancefortheMoon: PLEASE DO!!!!!!
ChancefortheMoon: IT WILL BE AMUSING FOR YOU!!!
ChancefortheMoon: I'm watching Love Actually
ChancefortheMoon: And it's so foreign to me
FreshSupplies: The movie?
ChancefortheMoon: even though I've watched it 3 bullion times
ChancefortheMoon: billion
ChancefortheMoon: I don't feel pain rigfht now
ChancefortheMoon: Wow
ChancefortheMoon: Too drunk
FreshSupplies: How is it foreign to you?
ChancefortheMoon: I dunno
ChancefortheMoon: I'm drunk
ChancefortheMoon: leave me alone I'm drunk
ChancefortheMoon: actually don't leave me
ChancefortheMoon: i like the attention
ChancefortheMoon: GIVE ME ATTENTION

Monday, December 15, 2008

Freakishly Accurate

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/funny-dog-pictures-cat-misses-his-dignity.jpg
ChancefortheMoon: This is how I feel about you.
FreshSupplies: Hahaha, how is that how you feel about me?
ChancefortheMoon: You're like a dumb bitch sitting on my head.
ChancefortheMoon: Can't move you, can't get rid of you, so I have to sit there and listen to you talk out your ass.
FreshSupplies: ...
FreshSupplies: Point taken.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Because Michelle's Drunken Impulses Asked with Succinct Politeness

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: AAAAH!!!
FreshSupplies: DAILY SHOW
ChancefortheMoon: WOO!
FreshSupplies: SO GOOD
FreshSupplies: YAY
ChancefortheMoon: I'M DRUNK
ChancefortheMoon: WOOOOOOO
ChancefortheMoon: woo~!!
ChancefortheMoon: blog?
FreshSupplies: Haha, sure.
ChancefortheMoon: Because Michelle's Drunken Impulses Demand It
ChancefortheMoon: There's the title
FreshSupplies: But you didn't demand it.
FreshSupplies: You asked with succinct politeness.
ChancefortheMoon: ....
ChancefortheMoon: Because Michelle's Drunken Impulses Asked with Succinct Politeness?
FreshSupplies: HA
FreshSupplies: Yes.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

If It Weren't For Those Meddling Kids

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: Sweeney got nominated for a Grammy
FreshSupplies: ...how?
ChancefortheMoon: Best soundtrack
ChancefortheMoon: something like that
FreshSupplies: The music was written in like the 70s though.
ChancefortheMoon: I guess best movie soundtrack
FreshSupplies: And it came out last year.
FreshSupplies: o.O
ChancefortheMoon: I DON'T KNOW!
FreshSupplies: WELL YOU SHOULD
FreshSupplies: SOMEHOW
FreshSupplies: DAMNIT!
ChancefortheMoon: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408236/board/flat/124377954
ChancefortheMoon: Here
FreshSupplies: "If we lose to Mamma Mia!, I will consider killing myself."
FreshSupplies: Hhahahah
ChancefortheMoon: hehehe
FreshSupplies: I agree.
FreshSupplies: Sondheim losing to ABBA is the sure sign of the Apocalypse.
ChancefortheMoon: That and if Juno wins
FreshSupplies: That too.
ChancefortheMoon: I don't know how Mamma Mia could win when it's up against Sweeney Todd
ChancefortheMoon: I mean...Sweeney is the most celebrated musical of the 20th century
FreshSupplies: I don't see how Mamma Mia was created without someone popping their head in and going, "....REALLY?"
ChancefortheMoon: haha
FreshSupplies: That's what I think every time I hear about it.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
ChancefortheMoon: Seriously...ABBA?!
ChancefortheMoon: Why?
FreshSupplies: Gay men.
FreshSupplies: Mystery solved.
FreshSupplies: Next.

There's Just No Goddamn Escape

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: The one thing I can't imagine in a realistic Poison Ivy is her clothing.
FreshSupplies: But then I'm useless when it comes to clothing.
ChancefortheMoon: hmm
ChancefortheMoon: Let me think about it...
ChancefortheMoon: hmm
ChancefortheMoon: green leggings
ChancefortheMoon: green tubetop with sheer middriff with an ivy design
ChancefortheMoon: Although to be honest I see her tattooed
FreshSupplies: ..
FreshSupplies: Dude
FreshSupplies: Bitch
FreshSupplies: Whore
FreshSupplies: Slutface
ChancefortheMoon: What?
FreshSupplies: I had already typed about how I see her having a hardcore tattoo like the one Angie has.
FreshSupplies: But I decided to delete it at the last second.
ChancefortheMoon: hahahahahahahahaha
FreshSupplies: And once I did, you hit enter.
FreshSupplies: I hate you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm a Bitch Even When I'm Dead Tired

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: Oooo, pretty.
ChancefortheMoon: what's pretty?
FreshSupplies: Anything that doesn't look like you.
ChancefortheMoon: har

I'm Tired So This Title Isn't Funny

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

FreshSupplies: I'll be on from about 3:30-5:00 tomorrow.
FreshSupplies: My time.
ChancefortheMoon: I won't
FreshSupplies: To read your stuff etc.
FreshSupplies: Well FINE.
ChancefortheMoon: I'm busy!
FreshSupplies: JUST SAY IT
FreshSupplies: ..wait.
ChancefortheMoon: ::sigh::
ChancefortheMoon: I'm too tired for this
ChancefortheMoon: I'm going to bed
ChancefortheMoon: you can take the sofa
FreshSupplies: ...it's more comfy anyway...
ChancefortheMoon: uh huh sure
ChancefortheMoon: have fun sleeping alone!
FreshSupplies: It is!
FreshSupplies: I will!
FreshSupplies: At least I'll get some action this way!
FreshSupplies: Ugh, now I have to go to the blog before I sleep.
FreshSupplies: I hate you.