Sunday, December 7, 2008

If It Weren't For Those Meddling Kids

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: Sweeney got nominated for a Grammy
ChancefortheMoon: Best soundtrack
ChancefortheMoon: something like that
FreshSupplies: The music was written in like the 70s though.
ChancefortheMoon: I guess best movie soundtrack
FreshSupplies: And it came out last year.
FreshSupplies: o.O
ChancefortheMoon: I DON'T KNOW!
FreshSupplies: WELL YOU SHOULD
FreshSupplies: SOMEHOW
FreshSupplies: DAMNIT!
ChancefortheMoon: Here
FreshSupplies: "If we lose to Mamma Mia!, I will consider killing myself."
FreshSupplies: Hhahahah
ChancefortheMoon: hehehe
FreshSupplies: I agree.
FreshSupplies: Sondheim losing to ABBA is the sure sign of the Apocalypse.
ChancefortheMoon: That and if Juno wins
FreshSupplies: That too.
ChancefortheMoon: I don't know how Mamma Mia could win when it's up against Sweeney Todd
ChancefortheMoon: I mean...Sweeney is the most celebrated musical of the 20th century
FreshSupplies: I don't see how Mamma Mia was created without someone popping their head in and going, "....REALLY?"
ChancefortheMoon: haha
FreshSupplies: That's what I think every time I hear about it.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
ChancefortheMoon: Seriously...ABBA?!
ChancefortheMoon: Why?
FreshSupplies: Gay men.
FreshSupplies: Mystery solved.
FreshSupplies: Next.

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