Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Michelle Wasted: Christmas Eve Edition

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon returned at 9:35:41 PM.
FreshSupplies: Having a good Christmas Eve?
ChancefortheMoon: DRUNK!!
ChancefortheMoon: wooo!!!!!!!!
FreshSupplies: I'll take that as a yes.
ChancefortheMoon: Dear lord I am so fucking drunk
FreshSupplies: Haha
ChancefortheMoon: I can't even fathom it
ChancefortheMoon: Dear lord am so fucking drunk
ChancefortheMoon: This isn't musing
ChancefortheMoon: I'm really srunk
ChancefortheMoon: Drunk
ChancefortheMoon: gah
FreshSupplies: I'm just gonna sit back and watch.
ChancefortheMoon: The Irish guy called me to wish me a Happy Christmas
ChancefortheMoon: PLEASE DO!!!!!!
ChancefortheMoon: IT WILL BE AMUSING FOR YOU!!!
ChancefortheMoon: I'm watching Love Actually
ChancefortheMoon: And it's so foreign to me
FreshSupplies: The movie?
ChancefortheMoon: even though I've watched it 3 bullion times
ChancefortheMoon: billion
ChancefortheMoon: I don't feel pain rigfht now
ChancefortheMoon: Wow
ChancefortheMoon: Too drunk
FreshSupplies: How is it foreign to you?
ChancefortheMoon: I dunno
ChancefortheMoon: I'm drunk
ChancefortheMoon: leave me alone I'm drunk
ChancefortheMoon: actually don't leave me
ChancefortheMoon: i like the attention
ChancefortheMoon: GIVE ME ATTENTION

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