Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Michelle Wasted: Almost New Year's Eve Edition

Brittany is FreshSupplies, Michelle is ChancefortheMoon

ChancefortheMoon: I told you torrentz were wonderful
ChancefortheMoon: You should download the rest of Dexter overnight
ChancefortheMoon: Keep uTorrents open though
FreshSupplies: That would take longer than over night, and I don't think I have the room anyways.
FreshSupplies: I'll have to download a couple of episodes at a time and delete as I go.
ChancefortheMoon: i own season 1
FreshSupplies: That would be wonderfully helpful if we lived in the same region.
ChancefortheMoon: I know
ChancefortheMoon: move to ew York already
FreshSupplies: o.O
FreshSupplies: How would that help anything?
ChancefortheMoon: It would
ChancefortheMoon: Because I could tke the bu to ee you
ChancefortheMoon: sorry I found ome wine
ChancefortheMoon: some
FreshSupplies: Wow, that was a rapid deterioration of basic motor skills.
FreshSupplies: I don't know if I should be impressed or call an ambulance.

--------------------Two Minutes Later--------------------------------

FreshSupplies: Hey, we broke our 11 post ceiling!!
ChancefortheMoon: YES!!!!
FreshSupplies: =D
ChancefortheMoon: there should be a special post just to note that
FreshSupplies: You mean like I copied this bot of convo and made it a new post?
FreshSupplies: bit*
FreshSupplies: if I*
FreshSupplies: God, speaking of deteriorating motor skills.

1 comment:

D-Rock said...

hahahahaha i totally just showed one of my good friends how to use torrents a few days ago and he's like "OH MY GOD DUDE THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOWING ME THAT"

torrents ftw